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The Doxy Number 3 is ready to thrill!

Get ready to be thrilled by the new Doxy Number 3: now available at SCALA. This beauty boasts the same mind-blowing power you’ve come to love of Doxy, now in a smaller, more discreet silhouette.

The new Doxy Number 3 is the newest, smaller wand massager by the best-selling UK-based brand. Inspired by its big, bold predecessor, the Doxy Number 3 offers rumbling power and vibes – now in a more compact silhouette. Measuring 28 centimeters long with a diameter of 4.5 centimeters at its largest point, it still offers quite handful of deep, resonating pleasure.

The Doxy Number 3 has a body cast of aluminum/titanium alloy and a head molded from soft, premium silicone. The high-end design comes with a 3 meters long power cord for maximum maneuverability and features various vibration functions, plus an escalating pulse option for extra versatility.

Order the new Doxy Number 3 now at SCALA and add a buzz to your assortment with this premium wand massager!